All Posts by Gartmore House


NEW for 2019! Art Cloth Doll Making Courses at Gartmore House

Art Cloth Doll Making is a new course for 2019 here at Gartmore House. Tutor Angela explains more about this fast-growing popular craft and how the 5-night course will pan out:
Hi! I’m excited about my first course next month at Gartmore and would like to introduce you to my art doll family.

Jeremiah Terra-Fawkes

Jeremiah Terra-Fawkes

When our class starts on Monday morning we will all have a chance to look at books, patterns and other artists’ work together – this is the really exciting bit. I’ll help each of you fine tune your own ideas into a manageable project, so that you have your own art doll by the end of the week.


Each day I will take you through the next step, demonstrating to the group and also individually as required. Don’t be embarrassed if it takes a couple of times before you quite “get it”. I will always be available for questions and will be checking in with everyone throughout the day. I am confident that even beginners can achieve a great result.
Demonstrations are supported by full, easy to follow, instruction sheets to take away.

Demonstrations are supported by full, easy to follow, instruction sheets to take away.

The list of techniques covered is long, but many are using skills with which you may already be familiar – drawing round pattern templates, basic sewing machine stitching, stuffing limbs, wiring fingers, ladder stitching openings, sewing button joints, needle sculpting faces, drawing, painting or stitching faces, making a basic doll’s wig, making clothes & shoes.
So it will be quite a busy few days. You may even choose to do “homework” (gasp!) – stuffing is laborious and takes time but can easily be done while chatting or watching TV.

Two of the puppets made by Year 2 Art Class at St Machar Academy, Aberdeen

I have used this workshop with 2nd year high school pupils, most of whom had never done any sewing, on machine or by hand. They had fantastic ideas which I helped them realise and they were all delighted with their finished dolls/puppets.
Finishing a puppet's chainmail buzz cut.

Finishing a puppet’s chainmail buzz cut

You can even work in pairs on one art doll if you like! Sharing out the tasks to suit. I’ve previously led a group containing 2 pairs of Mum’s & their 9 years olds – each pair making lovely dolls. The youngsters “drove” the sewing machines as if they were racing cars!!

Mum helping Skye (age 9) finish her doll’s elbow

This class is great fun and will provide plenty of laughs as the dolls begin to take on a character and life of their own, telling you how they want their hair and what clothes they want to wear! I’m looking forward to bringing doll making to Gartmore. See you soon!
Angela – Doll Making Course Tutor
Tutor Angela

Tutor Angela

Take a look at Angela’s Pinterest page for inspiration
If you’d like to join an Art Cloth Doll Making course at Gartmore House, visit our website or call us on 01877 382991 or email #gartmoreexperience

  • February 20, 2019
  • News
Seminole Quilt

Seminole Patchwork – NEW for 2019/20 Patchwork & Quilting Courses

Seminole Quilt

Seminole Quilt

Well the weather outside is freezing and grey so working with the bright vibrant colours of traditional Seminole Patchwork is warming and cheering!
Seminole Patchwork was developed by the Seminole Indians in Florida when sewing machines first became available and is a strip piecing technique  which was  used initially to decorate clothing. It’s a very flexible technique with a great variety of designs – some very suitable for beginners and some more challenging for the more experienced. The designs can be used not just for quilts but for runners, hangings, bags,cushions and more…
Here is a picture of my Seminole Quilt – a lovely project for 2019!
Happy Quilting
Tutor – Gartmore House

Find out more about our Patchwork & Quilting courses (dates, prices and what’s included) – click here >>
Find out more about projects and techniques on Patchwork & Quilting Courses – click here >> (downloadable pdf)
Download our Craft & Activity Holidays brochure – click here >>
Tel: 01877 382991

Patchwork & Quilting – Tutor Clare Workman talks about course projects for 2019/20

Hi everyone! My name’s Clare and I’m the Tutor for the Patchwork and Quilting holidays here at Gartmore House – and this is my first blog post!… here goes…..
When teaching I like to offer a choice of projects, so you can choose what you’d like to create and techniques you’d like to learn. Many of my students have attended my courses before, so it’s good for them to know they can learn new skills and work on different projects.  Right now, I’m continuing to develop new projects for 2019/20 holidays which is always a lot of fun – I make sure there are lots of design and technique options so everyone can choose their own personal favourite to work on – we don’t all have to do the same thing!
I make sure there’s a good choice for complete beginners – and also to challenge and extend the skills of the more experienced. Sampler blocks, strips and borders will be options – they offer so much scope to learn a new technique fast and can be made up into quilts,cushions, runners, bags and more besides.
Quilting will be explored in more detail for those who want to try free machine quilting or discover what can be achieved with a walking foot and a bit of imagination – full guidance given…..playtime!! We keep class sizes small so everyone gets a lot of individual attention. It’s an ideal opportunity to build skills.
I am also extending the range of Bargello designs from traditional to contemporary and art designs – lovely landscapes in Bargello! Abstract is the new buzz word!
Patchwork and Quilting Holidays at Gartmore House
New for 2019/20 will be lots of smaller projects so students can sample different techniques and finish several smaller items during their holiday. I’m on a mission to reduce my ‘stash’ and these projects will be ideal… So, if you have a mountain or a molehill of fabric waiting to be used, bring it along and achieve that satisfied glow of putting all that fabric to very good use! A good clear-out does however make room for more possibly…!
I’m going to be posting some pictures of new works as we go along and am also working on a Guests’ Gallery which will showcase the delicious diversity of work we do here on our holidays! From complete beginner to experienced stitcher, all are welcome and there really is something for everyone to enjoy. Patchwork and quilting without fear – if you’ve always wanted to try it,come and join us for relaxed creative fun – you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve!
More details are on the Patchwork & Quilting Course webpage…. and more will follow on this blog…..
See you soon at Gartmore!

Lace Making for Christmas – tutor Jean Leader's festive ideas

Christmas is coming… Lace making tutor Jean Leader shares some of her festive crafty ideas…
Although Christmas is nearly three months away, I’ve already been asked about suitably festive patterns for bobbin lace to hang on the tree or use on cards. It’s a long time since I made my first lace ornament for our tree — a little green Christmas tree decorated with coloured beads inside a ring. At a lace course I was given an anonymous page with three patterns, one for the tree and two others for a candle and a star. I made all three and when they were finished attached each one to a bangle ready to hang on our tree (the original tree in a ring went missing a few years ago and for its replacement I used fabric stiffener to give it more body instead of a ring).

Tree, candle, star lace patterns

Tree, candle, star lace patterns

Since then I have built up quite a collection of Christmas patterns, some I’ve found in magazine or books, and others I have designed myself. I try to come up with at least one new pattern every year but I’m still thinking about something for this year and I still have plenty of time!
snowflakes lace

snowflakes lace

rings lace

rings lace

festive lace creations

festive lace creations

If you’ve never made bobbin lace you may be wondering if you’d be able to make any of these. The answer is a very definite YES. The twisted spirals can be made by complete beginners and even the little tree would be possible — it’s made with finer thread which means there are more stitches (think 2-ply versus double knitting) but they are the same stitches. In case you’re wondering the spirals are made flat, then wound round a pencil wrapped in cling film (to keep the pencil clean) and painted with stiffener. Once they’re dry take out the pencil and hang them on the tree!
spiral lace

spiral lace

If you’re new to bobbin lace making I can bring what you’ll need to get going (pillow, bobbins, thread etc) — please just let the folk at Gartmore House know in advance.
On the other hand if you’d prefer to work on something other than Christmas decorations then please also get in touch. I’ll be happy to help if you have any questions.
For further information on lace making courses, see our website or simply pick up the phone and give us a call on 01877 382991. Our next course before Christmas starts 9 November 2018.   Find out more about tutor Jean Leader, visit

Q&A with Photography Tutor Ewan Barry

Edinburgh-based Photographer Ewan Barry runs our popular Photography courses here at Gartmore House. We grabbed him in between shoots for a few questions over a quick cuppa and piece of cake…

Photography Courses at Gartmore House

Photography Courses at Gartmore House

Q: Give us your top 3 take-away tips for great photos
1. Get to know your equipment, whether it’s a phone or old school film camera – if you don’t know what the buttons do you won’t be in control of the way your image looks.
2. Regular practice – if you only get your camera out on the odd occasion, on holiday for example, the technical side of things will never become second nature.
3. Don’t try to fit everything into an image, try to remove as much as you can.
Tutor - Ewan Barry

Tutor – Ewan Barry

Q: What’s your favourite thing to shoot and why?
A: I don’t have a single favourite subject. I think variety keeps things interesting and there’s often crossover – I’ll learn something on one type of shoot that I can apply to another at a later date.
Q: Who is the course at Gartmore House aimed at?
A: Anyone who enjoys the outdoors and landscape photography in particular. I can help identify subject matter, help with composition and I offer technical advice along the way.
A selection of photos from September's course

A selection of photos from September’s course

Q: What level/type of experience do most people on the course have?
A: Generally, I’d say beginners to intermediate level although more experienced photographers would still benefit from visiting the locations we use and enjoy the evening discussions we often have on the artistic side of things.
Q: What kind of cameras do most people bring/use on the course?
A: All kinds, but you’ll get more from the course as well as better photographs if your camera has manual control settings.
Q: What’s the best thing about learning photography in Scotland?
A: If the weather and/or light conditions aren’t inspiring you at any given time, you won’t have to wait long for it to change.
Find out more about photography courses at Gartmore House, or give us a call on 01877 382991.

  • October 2, 2018
  • News

Which sewing course is for me? Tutor Gill McBride talks through the different options

Sewing Patterns

Sewing Patterns

Sewing holidays are quite new at Gartmore House, but everyone who has come so far has loved them! Its such a treat to come to a wonderful place, be able to sew all day for 4 full days, be fed and treated as very special guests and not have to make the beds, think about dinner, or walk the dogs!
Our sewing holidays suit most sewers and will especially suit you if you are confident about using your sewing machine. You will pick up wee sewing tips as you go through each day and you will learn new techniques as well.
On the ‘Understanding and Fitting Patterns’ holiday, we spend a lot of time actually finding out all about the pattern – what’s in it and what information it is giving us. It’s amazing how much we don’t know about the pattern and even the pattern envelope. You’ll also learn how to take body measurements and then choose the correct size of pattern to cut before you even begin sewing. Everyone agrees that this is incredibly useful and informative.
By the end of the holiday, you should have made a toile or a practice dress/top in calico or some other practice material that you bring along, learned all about fitting it on you – with the help of everyone else on the course – and made your pattern adjustments. Many of you will manage to finish sewing your final dress/top before you leave.


The ‘Trousers’ week is great! How many times do we wish we could get a perfectly fitting pair of trousers and better still, MAKE the perfect pair of trousers. This is the holiday for you! You’ll get to grips with the pattern and hopefully really understand all about fitting those trousers. Crotch depths and crotch rise and all the terms used about trousers can be so confusing but we get them sorted out during this week, having lots of fun and laughs whilst we do it!
Speed tailoring a jacket

Speed tailoring a jacket

Other holidays that are planned include Speed Tailoring a Jacket. This holiday will suit intermediate and confident sewers to get the best from the holiday. It takes 3 full days to make a wonderful jacket for an experienced sewer but this course will get you to the point where you can take your jacket home and finish your hems and buttonholes etc. Its amazingly satisfying to fit and make your own jackets!
Each workshop will accommodate everyone who comes and Gill will work with all of you individually, ensuring that you get the best of attention and help when you need it. You will learn lots of sewing tips from Gill and from each other and your sewing knowledge and confidence will grow considerably. Hopefully you will go home ready to start a new project knowing that you will be able to finish it and be proud to wear it!  Other sewing topics can be included in a holiday – just get in touch and let us know what you want to learn.
Learn to sew at Gartmore House

Learn to sew at Gartmore House

For further information about our sewing courses, see our website, or simply pick up the phone and give us a call on 01877 382991. We look forward to hearing from you!
Sew Your Own Courses
Learn to Sew
Understanding Sewing Patterns

  • October 2, 2018
  • Sewing

Our Knitting & Crochet Breaks – Get the low-down from tutor Samira Hill

Knitting and Crochet breaks are one of the most popular crafting holidays here at Gartmore House.  Tutor Samira Hill explains a bit more about what you can expect from a rewarding escape to rural Scotland, where you’ll get to grips with knitting needles and crochet hooks:
Our retreats are the perfect choice for a relaxing, creative and inspiring holiday, based around your favourite hobby! Have you got a project that has been hiding in your bag for ages, but you can’t find the time to finish it? Have you a pattern that you would love to get on with, but need help with it? Or are you a complete beginner who would you like to learn something new?
If so, you’ll find a wide selection of knitting and crochet workshops available, and you’ll choose which of these to work on ahead of your break (see course info for example workshops).  During your time at Gartmore House you’ll be working on your chosen topic with me, Samira. The activities and workshops are designed to suit absolutely everyone, encompassing all abilities and levels of experience; there is no prior knowledge of a technique or topic required for those who would like to learn to knit, crochet, and learn Tunisian Crochet. For those with some experience in knitting, there are a lot of new techniques to explore, such as Brioche knitting, Entrelac knitting, Fair Isle, sock knitting, cables etc… For those with some knowledge of crochet, there are also some fun techniques to practice colour work stitches, texture stitches and crochet cables… As well as Tunisian Crochet!

Brioche Knitting

Brioche Knitting

I’ve designed each of the workshops so that by the end of your crafting holiday, you will have one or a few finished items to show off the new skills you have learnt. What’s more, you will have acquired a strong understanding of your new techniques, so that you can carry on exploring further on your own with confidence.
The workshops are suggestions only; I’m always on hand to help you with any topic or project that you would like to work on! The activity weeks are a great opportunity to relax, explore the peaceful surroundings of  Gartmore Estate, indulge in the delicious food on offer, and enjoy friendly and inspiring crafty chats by the fire… and naturally the simple pleasure of working with your hands – knitting and crocheting all day of course!
Entrelac Knitting

Entrelac Knitting

We look forward to seeing you on a Knitting and Crochet course soon!
  • September 18, 2018
  • News

Come Dancing and enjoy lots of health benefits!

Want to learn to waltz like they do on Strictly? Instead of just admiring the dancers on the telly, why not join them! Studies show that dancing is so good for you. Here are some of the benefits (in case you needed reminding why all those Strictly contestants look so happy and fit!).

  1. Dancing can help you lose weight – you can burn around 400 calories an hour!
  2. Dancing improves the condition of your heart and lungs.
  3. Dancing increases muscular tone and strength
  4. Dancing reduces stress and can significantly improve your mood.
  5. Dancing helps you with your coordination and agility.
  6. Plus, you’re bound to make lots of new friends!

Come to Gartmore House and take your first steps in learning to dance on a couples dancing weekend (if you don’t have a dance partner, don’t worry – you don’t need one to attend!). All levels welcome. All you need is a pair of dance shoes and a willingness to give it a go!  Your dance tutor is the lovely Teresa Mcclymont from Dance Time Scotland – she will take you through the steps to learn ballroom dancing, swing, country and modern Jive.Stay in a historic house in Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park, with accommodation and full board included. Have a look at for dates and more info on courses or give us a call on 01877 382 991.

Keep dancing!

  • September 11, 2018
  • News
Double Room

FAQs about your stay with us at Gartmore House

This blog covers:
FAQs about bedrooms and facilities at the House.
FAQs about finding us.
FAQs about food & drink.
FAQs about craft & activity breaks.
We look forward to welcoming you to Gartmore House!
FAQs about bedrooms and facilities at the House

  • Are the bedrooms en-suite?

All of our bedrooms are en-suite apart from the ELO (a set of 3 rooms that share a bathroom). You will automatically be allocated an en-suite room, unless you specifically request a room in the ELO which will not be en-suite.

  • Do you have accessible bedrooms?

Yes, we have one accessible room and a lift to access all floors of the property.

  • Do you have bedrooms on the ground floor?

No, we do not have ground floor bedrooms, but we do have a lift to all levels.

  • Do all the bedrooms have a good view?

Our family bedrooms have the best views, looking towards Stirling Castle and the Wallace Monument. All other bedrooms have a side or back view of our grounds.

  • Are there TVs in the bedrooms?

There are no TVs in the bedrooms, however there is a TV that you can use in our Oak Room.

  • Is there WiFi?

There is no WiFi access in the bedrooms, however there is free WiFi in our public areas.

  • Are towels provided?

Yes, we provide towels for the en-suite bedrooms in the main house.

  • Are there hairdryers in the bedrooms?

Yes, there are hairdryers in the bedrooms.

  • I am under 18 years old, can I stay at Gartmore House without a parent/guardian?

No, if you are under the age of 18 you will require a parent or guardian to accompany you.

  • What is the booking process for B&B?

For B&B, full payment is taken at the time of booking.

  • What is the cancellation policy for B&B?

For B&Bs, if you have booked directly with us there is a 72 hour cancellation policy. If you have booked through, it is a non-refundable advanced purchase booking.

  • What time is check in/check out?

Check in is from 4pm, and we ask guests to check out by 10am on the day of departure.

  • I will be arriving late, will there be somebody to check me in?

There will always be somebody on duty to check you in, whether it is the receptionist or the night porter. If you are going to be very late, we would appreciate you letting us know in advance if possible please.

  • Can we make tea or coffee in our room?

Yes, we supply tea and coffee facilities in the bedrooms.
FAQs about finding Gartmore House

  • How do I find Gartmore House?

Important: If you are using a satnav, it may try and take you through the village, along a rough track unsuitable for normal vehicles. Please do not go this way and follow the directions blow.
Arriving from south (Glasgow): Take the A81 from Glasgow city centre, travel via Milngavie and Strathblane towards Aberfoyle. Continue past the sins for Gartmore village and Gartmore House is well sign posted on the left of the A81.
Arriving from north (Perth) or east (Edinburgh): Travel towards Stirling on the M9 and leave the motorway at Junction 10 (marked for Stirling). Follow A84, sign posted for Callander. After 4 miles, take the A873 for Aberfoyle. After 17 miles, at the T junction, turn left onto the A81 towards Glasgow. In less than a mile, pass the sign for Gartmore village (continue on A81) and you will see Gartmore House clearly sign posted on your right.

  • Do you have parking?

Yes, we offer free parking.

  • Are there buses?

There are no buses, but there are reliable taxi services, Crescent Cabs and Buchanan Cabs. Crescent Cabs can be contacted on 07710 8000 or Buchanan Cabs on 01877 385 666.

  • Where is the nearest train station?

Stirling train station is the closest train station, it is about 30 minutes by car away from us. Or Milngavie train station (closer to Glasgow) is a 40 minutes drive away. For activity and crafting breaks only we offer a complimentary transfers; from Gartmore House to Stirling station (leaving the House at 10:00am), transfer from Stirling station to Gartmore House (leaving the station at 3:30pm). Please notify us in advance if you require this service.

  • Where is the nearest shop?

Gartmore village has a community shop that is a 10 minute walk away. For a bigger supermarket, Aberfoyle has a Co-op and is 2 miles away.
FAQs about food and drink at Gartmore House

  • Do you have a restaurant/bar?

We do have a restaurant and a bar. The restaurant is open between 6pm-8pm.

  • Can I come for dinner even though I am not staying at Gartmore House?

Yes, however we would ask for 24 hours’ notice, as there may be a group in with exclusive use.

  • What time is breakfast served?

Breakfast is served between 08:00am-9:30am

  • Are special requests such as gluten free or other dietary requirements available?

Yes, we cater for gluten free, dairy free and vegetarian requirements. If you have any other special dietary requirements please contact us 24 hours prior to arrival.
FAQs about craft & activity Breaks

  • What time is pick up and drop off from Stirling station, for the craft & activity breaks?

We offer a complimentary pick up from the station at 3:30pm on the day of arrival, and the drop-off service departs from the house at 10:00am on the day of departure.

  • What do I need to bring on my craft and activity break?

Your required kit list for your specific activity break will be listed in the area of the website that your activity break relates to. However, should you have any queries, then please feel free to contact us.

  • Where can I find out more about the course?

If you need further information about the course that is not on our website, please get in contact with us and we can provide you with the tutor’s contact details who will explain more about it to you.

  • How does the booking process work?

For craft and activity breaks, a £100 non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking to secure your place, and the rest of the payment is due 6 weeks prior to arrival.

  • What is the cancellation policy for craft and activity breaks?

For cancellation of craft and activity breaks, your £100 deposit will not be refunded. The rest of your payment will be refunded if you have cancelled no later than 6 weeks prior to arrival.

  • Can I bring a ‘plus one’ to stay with me while I am on my craft and activity break?

You are more than welcome to bring someone along to stay with you (sharing the same room), while you are on your break. This is at a rate of £60 per night, on a full board basis.

  • What should I do if I have lost or left something in my room?

Send us an email or call if you think you have left something in you room, and we will do our best to find it and return it to you. However, we ask you to please reimburse us for the postage fee.
To make a booking, please give us a call on 01877 382991 or visit

  • August 28, 2018
  • News

Example Craft & Activity Course Itinerary – what you can expect each day

Jewellery making course at Gartmore House

Jewellery making course at Gartmore House

There is so much that goes on during an activity holiday at Gartmore House. We have put together an example activity holiday schedule, so you know what to expect when you arrive and over the next few days of your residential course.
Sunday/Day 1
16:00 Arrive and settle in. Tea and coffee available with a selection of home baking. You could use your free time to go for a walk along one of the area’s scenic routes, or take a wander up to Gartmore village, where there is a handy community-owned shop and friendly pub.
18:00 Welcome talk in the lounge. A member of our friendly team will give you a brief welcome talk. This is also an opportunity to get to know your tutor and other guests on your activity holiday.
18:30 Dinner time! Our fabulous chefs will make you a scrumptious 3 course dinner to start your week on a high. There is a set menu every day which offers 3 options for you to choose from. Example dinner mains include: Roast Loin of Pork, Pan-fried Fillet of Salmon or Sweet Potato and Chick Pea Curry. Please note: we will always cater to any dietary requirements we have been made aware of in advance.
21:00 Tea/coffee in lounge. Enjoy some down-time in the lounge, before the next busy day ahead.

Delicious dinner at Gartmore House

Monday/Day 2
08:30 Breakfast. Get your day off to the best start with our wholesome cooked Scottish breakfast, made by our chefs using local produce.
10:00 Course begins (course will run until 4pm). Now the fun starts! You will get cracking on your projects for the week under the guidance of our expert tutors. For example on the Felting Holiday, previous guests have made hats, mittens or boots.
11:00 Tea/coffee break. Enjoy a little break with some tea/coffee and home baking.
13:00 Lunch. Enjoy a delicious homemade 2 course lunch and take a well-deserved break from the morning’s activities. An example lunch time menu is soup and a baked potato with filling.
15:30 Tea/coffee break. Time for an afternoon tea/coffee break, with some delicious home baking.
18:30 Dinner. Another freshly made 3 course dinner will be served. Further dinner menu examples include Tomato & Mozzarella Salad with balsamic glaze, Braised Beef and Sticky Toffee Pudding for dessert.
21:00 Tea/coffee in the lounge. A chance to chat and reflect on the day’s events.
Loch Katrine in Scotland

Loch Katrine

Tuesday/Day 3
08:30 Breakfast. Another freshly made, traditional Scottish breakfast.
10:00 Course begins (course will run until 4pm). Another day to work on and progress with your projects. On a Photography Holiday for example, previous breaks have taken a trip to Loch Katrine to capture landscapes and water movement.
11:00 Tea/coffee break. Take a short break from your projects, and relax with a tea/coffee and cake.
13:00 Lunch. Another 2 course lunch will be served. An example of lunches includes soup and sandwiches.
15:00 Tea/coffee break. Time for some afternoon tea along with a selection of cakes.
18:30 Dinner. Our dinner menus vary daily, however another sample menu that you may be of your choice is: Trio of Melon Salad, Vegetable Kiev and Eton Mess.
21:00 Tea/coffee in the lounge before bed.
Family bedroom at Gartmore House

Double or Twin bedroom

Wednesday/Day 4
08:30 Breakfast.
10:00 Course begins. A further opportunity to progress on you projects. On a Watercolour Painting Holiday for example, you may work on your paintings in the studio or outdoors, weather permitting.
10:45 Tea/coffee break. Enjoy your morning tea/coffee break with another one of our chef’s mouth-watering cakes/tray bakes.
12:30 Lunch. An earlier lunch today as you will get the opportunity to go on a day trip later on.
13:30 Day trip. As you’ve been hard at work all week, we offer a complimentary day trip to either go and visit the Woollen Mill in Aberfoyle, or take a cruise on Loch Katrine.
15:30 Tea/coffee break. Return from your day trip to some light cakes and a tea or coffee.
18:30 Dinner. Once again, you will get to make 3 choices from our set menu of the day. More examples include: Breaded Brie Wedges, Breaded Haddock Fillet & Fresh Fruit Salad.
21:00 Tea/coffee in the lounge.
Dukes Pass in The Trossachs

Dukes Pass

Thursday/Day 5
08:30 Breakfast. Once again a delicious full cooked Scottish breakfast.
10:00 Course begins (course will run until 4pm).  This is your final day to work on your projects with the help of your tutor. On previous Knitting & Crochet Holidays, for example, guests have worked on a range of different knitting/crochet including: Tunisian crochet, brioche knitting, Aran Cables knitting or sock knitting.
11:00 Tea/coffee break. Again, with some home baking.
13:00 Lunch. Another 2 course lunch for you to enjoy.
15:30 Tea/coffee break. Your final afternoon tea break.
19:00 Dinner. A celebratory dinner will take place on the final night in our Cayzer room. This is a great opportunity to reflect on your week with your fellow guests. This will be followed by some entertainment in the lounge. We often have Scottish folk singer Gary Spiers come along, so make sure you’re in good voice if you want to join in!
21:00 Tea/coffee in the lounge.
Felt making

Rainbows dyeing wool

Friday/Day 6
08:30 Breakfast. A traditional Scottish breakfast to finish your week.
10:00 Departure. We offer a complimentary drop off service back to Stirling train station on the day of departure.
Please note: For weekend breaks the courses will run from 4pm on Friday, until 4pm on Sunday.
To enquire about any of our courses or to book, please visit our website or give us a call on 01877 382991.

  • August 21, 2018
  • News