Edinburgh-based Photographer Ewan Barry runs our popular Photography courses here at Gartmore House. We grabbed him in between shoots for a few questions over a quick cuppa and piece of cake…

Photography Courses at Gartmore House
1. Get to know your equipment, whether it’s a phone or old school film camera – if you don’t know what the buttons do you won’t be in control of the way your image looks.
2. Regular practice – if you only get your camera out on the odd occasion, on holiday for example, the technical side of things will never become second nature.
3. Don’t try to fit everything into an image, try to remove as much as you can.
Q: What’s your favourite thing to shoot and why?
A: I don’t have a single favourite subject. I think variety keeps things interesting and there’s often crossover – I’ll learn something on one type of shoot that I can apply to another at a later date.
Q: Who is the course at Gartmore House aimed at?
A: Anyone who enjoys the outdoors and landscape photography in particular. I can help identify subject matter, help with composition and I offer technical advice along the way.
Q: What level/type of experience do most people on the course have?
A: Generally, I’d say beginners to intermediate level although more experienced photographers would still benefit from visiting the locations we use and enjoy the evening discussions we often have on the artistic side of things.
Q: What kind of cameras do most people bring/use on the course?
A: All kinds, but you’ll get more from the course as well as better photographs if your camera has manual control settings.
Q: What’s the best thing about learning photography in Scotland?
A: If the weather and/or light conditions aren’t inspiring you at any given time, you won’t have to wait long for it to change.
Find out more about photography courses at Gartmore House, or give us a call on 01877 382991.