NEW for 2019! Art Cloth Doll Making Courses at Gartmore House

Art Cloth Doll Making is a new course for 2019 here at Gartmore House. Tutor Angela explains more about this fast-growing popular craft and how the 5-night course will pan out:
Hi! I’m excited about my first course next month at Gartmore and would like to introduce you to my art doll family.

Jeremiah Terra-Fawkes

Jeremiah Terra-Fawkes

When our class starts on Monday morning we will all have a chance to look at books, patterns and other artists’ work together – this is the really exciting bit. I’ll help each of you fine tune your own ideas into a manageable project, so that you have your own art doll by the end of the week.


Each day I will take you through the next step, demonstrating to the group and also individually as required. Don’t be embarrassed if it takes a couple of times before you quite “get it”. I will always be available for questions and will be checking in with everyone throughout the day. I am confident that even beginners can achieve a great result.
Demonstrations are supported by full, easy to follow, instruction sheets to take away.

Demonstrations are supported by full, easy to follow, instruction sheets to take away.

The list of techniques covered is long, but many are using skills with which you may already be familiar – drawing round pattern templates, basic sewing machine stitching, stuffing limbs, wiring fingers, ladder stitching openings, sewing button joints, needle sculpting faces, drawing, painting or stitching faces, making a basic doll’s wig, making clothes & shoes.
So it will be quite a busy few days. You may even choose to do “homework” (gasp!) – stuffing is laborious and takes time but can easily be done while chatting or watching TV.

Two of the puppets made by Year 2 Art Class at St Machar Academy, Aberdeen

I have used this workshop with 2nd year high school pupils, most of whom had never done any sewing, on machine or by hand. They had fantastic ideas which I helped them realise and they were all delighted with their finished dolls/puppets.
Finishing a puppet's chainmail buzz cut.

Finishing a puppet’s chainmail buzz cut

You can even work in pairs on one art doll if you like! Sharing out the tasks to suit. I’ve previously led a group containing 2 pairs of Mum’s & their 9 years olds – each pair making lovely dolls. The youngsters “drove” the sewing machines as if they were racing cars!!

Mum helping Skye (age 9) finish her doll’s elbow

This class is great fun and will provide plenty of laughs as the dolls begin to take on a character and life of their own, telling you how they want their hair and what clothes they want to wear! I’m looking forward to bringing doll making to Gartmore. See you soon!
Angela – Doll Making Course Tutor
Tutor Angela

Tutor Angela

Take a look at Angela’s Pinterest page for inspiration
If you’d like to join an Art Cloth Doll Making course at Gartmore House, visit our website or call us on 01877 382991 or email #gartmoreexperience

  • February 20, 2019
  • News

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