Greenwood Spoon Carving Course – what you need to know – from tutor Steve Bretel

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Greenwood spoon carving is a new course here at Gartmore House for 2019! So what do you need to know? Tutor Steve Bretel tells all…
Following art school in Wales and a commercial art career in London, I relocated to Scotland where I now work as a fine artist and maker, and teach painting, drawing and crafting. I’m so pleased to be able to offer this greenwood spoon carving course for beginners, and sure you’ll have an enlightening and enjoyable weekend at Gartmore House. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn an absorbing new skill and enjoy a relaxing creative art form at your own pace. I’ll show you how ‘blanks’ are produced using a hand axe to split wood fresh from a sustainable forest, from which you’ll choose the ones you wish to carve following the grain in the wood. Once you’ve learnt how to use the tools safely, you can move on to applying your creative skills, being likely that you’ll make at least two pieces during the weekend. You may decide to produce a functional spoon or spatula for use in your kitchen, or a more decorative piece as a unique gift for someone special. I’ll use a mixture of demonstrations and instruction, with ideas for effective design and lots of support throughout.
Here’s the tuition page on my website:
Best wishes
To find out more or book a greenwood spoon carving course, visit the course page, email us on or call 01877 382991 #gartmoreexperience
  • March 31, 2019
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